Airbnb (Air B & B) is a website for people who lend accommodations and inns.
It has more than 800,000 inhabitants in 33,000 cities in 192 countries worldwide.
Established in August 2008, owned and operated by a private company Airbnb, Inc., headquartered in San Francisco.
Users of this site need to register for use and create their own online profile.
All the properties are associated with the host, the host profile is recommended from other users,
Reviews from guests who have stayed, as well as response ratings and private messaging systems.
Brian Chesky and Brian Chesky who met at RISD, Art University of Rhode Island
Two people, Joe Gebbia (Joe Gebbia), moved to San Francisco in October 2007 after graduation,
During the industrial design conference sponsored by the American Industrial Designers Association
Created an early concept of air bed & breakfast.
The original site provided opportunities for short-term inns and breakfasts and other unique business networking to participants who can not book hotels in saturated markets.
At that time, Cesky and Gebia could not pay the loft's rent in San Francisco and shared the room.
They made home-made breakfast with an air mattress where 3 people can stay, making the living room a small B & B (in-house / small-scale accommodation in English speaking countries).
In February 2008, Harvard University graduate and information technology engineer Nathan Brechajic joined as the third founder of AirBed & Breakfast.
In the early stages of the company, the founder focused on opening a noticeable event in places where there were few alternatives to accommodation.
The site called Airbedandbreakfast.com officially stood on 11th August 2008.
To gather funds for the site, the founder got inspiration from presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain
We have developed a special breakfast ceremony called "Obama O's" or "Cap'n McCains".
In two months the cereal sold 800 boxes for 40 dollars each, earning over 30,000 dollars initial funding. I attracted Y Combinator's Paul Graham.
After official launch, the site grew to handle various properties ranging from hotel to couch surfing.
In January 2009 Y Combinator invited Chesky, Gebia, Bregujic to train for three months.
Though the site was already completed, three of them used Y-Combinator's investment of $ 20,000,
I went to New York City, met the user and advertised the site.
And I came back to San Francisco City with a high profit business model for West Coast investors.