Takatsuki Station is a station of the West Japan Railway Co. (West Japan Railway) Tokaido Main Line in Hakubaicho, Takatsuki-shi, Osaka. It is included in a pet name section of "the JR Kyoto Line".
When a railroad between Kyoto Station - Osaka Station was laid, I levelled a stone wall of the Takatsuki Castle that was in Takatsuki, and building stones were diverted to railroad construction.
And our station was established as only Nakama Station when Osaka - Mukomachi Station interval started a business.
Extension to Kyoto Station was accomplished in (1877) in 1877, but the whole line was a single line then afterwards.
And Takatsuki of Osaka and Kyoto is almost said because was at the halfway point that the train which departed from Osaka Station and Kyoto Station approximately at the same time changed it at our station.
There are 6 lines in the station yard and is ground Station where two 2 simple system home lines (12 formation supports all) put the outside of two 4 island expression home lines between.
There are 2 lines in eight cars custody line sandwiched between up and down lines in the north side (way of rising of) for formation and is used for a lapel of the local train.
In addition, the point of the custody line leads to the Suita factory Takatsuki police box (former Takatsuki train district) of there climbing over an up line (with the outside line) in a high shelf, and the train performing runs this line.
West exit wicket which a wicket is a central mouth and underground passage of the Hashigami station building, and binds a home, the posture outside together, four places of the west exit, the Minami west exit which came for exclusive use of a founded 1.6 turn platform. The automatic ticket gate supports each ICOCA, aspect each other use chip card.
Because our station is the direct management station where a stationmaster was placed, and manage each station between Shimamoto Station - Suita Station of the Tokaido main line (JR Kyoto Line) as a management station, but locate a district stationmaster at Ibaraki Station and Suita Station, and Suita Station has jurisdiction over Kishibe Station at Senrioka Station Ibaraki Station; our; it is only 2 Station of Shimamoto Station and Settsu-Tonda Station that a station is under management overall.
The distance between the station with neighboring Shimamoto Station is 5.3km and becomes longest in JR Kyoto Line. In addition, I am known as a famous photography spot of the railroad photograph, and many railroad fans gather without being related with a holiday on weekdays, a holiday.
It is the station where the Takatsuki police box of the Aboshi synthesis vehicle place is next to at the station where Tokaido Main Line (JR Kyoto Line) arrives and departs.
The new high speed passed, but because speed improved by the update of the vehicle for aggressive Urban networks after the privatization, stop number increased progressively, and new high speed of all came to stop once from March, 1997. In addition, it is the only new high speed stop between Kyoto - Shin-Osaka. A part of Kansai Airport limited express spring stops by time schedule revision of March 26, 2016 newly.
The home has two island expression homes 4 line, but there are 8 lines in total including these 4 lines in the station yard. Takatsuki Station functions as one of the terminal station of the Tokaido Main Line (JR Kyoto Line), and the train that high speed driving begins in Takatsuki Station is set, and a train and new high speed to ride onto the JR Takarazuka line from Amagasaki Station plan connection.
As for the high speed of the Kyoto area, normal (other than this station, Kyoto Station first departure) of the Osaka area turns into high speed driving for local train to Nishiakashi from this station.
The station building is a direct management station of West Japan Railway in a station on a bridge. I give a short account, and the green teller opens main service of West Japan Railway except the park & ride at 5:30 until 23:00.
In addition, there is not the vehicle which it becomes only 電留線, and is located here, and the Aboshi synthesis vehicle place Takatsuki police box is located in the Aboshi synthesis vehicle place. I am approximately 700m away from Hankyu Corporation Kyoto Main Line Takatsukishi Station.
※By the way, Yamasaki Station was an adjacent station, but, in the Kyoto side, the distance between the station was long with 7.5km before the Shimamoto Station opening of business.